

1. 档案处在哪里?  你们的工作时间是什么??

The Records Office is 位于索尔斯伯里校园中心 at 201 W. 大学大道在W十字路口. 大学大道和罗伯逊大道.  They follow the campus hours; for Fall and Spring semesters, they are open Monday through Thursday 8:00 am - 5:30 pm and Friday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm.  During Summer term, they are open Monday through Thursday 7:30 am - 5:30 pm and closed on Fridays.

2. 我怎样与档案室联络? 

They may be reached by phone (432) 335-6404, by fax (432) 335-6303, or by email Records@fjhmlt.com

3. 什么是FERPA? 我如何允许别人访问我的学生记录?

FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). It is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student academic 记录.  了解你的 学术的隐私.   如果你想让家长, 配偶, 或者另一个人访问你的学术信息, 你可填写 授权访问(FERPA) 表格,并提供您当前可辨认的国家颁发的身份证件.  The designated person will also need to provide a photo ID for verification before accessing the student’s 记录.   此访问可以随时通过完成 撤销访问 form. 

FERPA rights are granted to parents of students under age 18 and 当他或她满18岁时转移给学生 or 进入高等教育机构. A student at 欧亚体育, regardless of age, retains FERPA rights for him- or herself, unless the student completes a FERPA Grant Access form for a parent or another individual.

目录信息 可以在没有个人授权的情况下释放吗, as it generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.  If you wish to restrict release of your directory information, please complete the 信息披露形式.

4. 我如何找到我的学生证号码?

Your OC student ID number was included with your letter of acceptance (starting in August 2017), 并印在你的日程安排/发票的顶部. 要查你的身份证号码,请看这些 步骤.

5. 我到哪里去登记?

Please start at the 牧马人快递中心 in the Saulsbury Campus Center on the main campus at 201 W. 大学大道,罗伯逊大道.  They will assist you in getting started and guiding you to the proper areas. 

6. 我如何索取成绩单?

请浏览欧亚体育的 记录页面 索取笔录.  T在这里 are two links t在这里: the first is used if you need a transcript mailed (paper only) and you know your student log in and password.  Use the second link if you need a digital/electronic transcript, an overnight (FedEx) shipment of a paper transcript or if you do not know your student log in and password.  You may also visit the Records Office in person to pick up a transcript.

7. 我的成绩单申请进展如何?

You can check the status of your transcript request by logging in to 全国学生信息交流中心

8. 我如何获得注册验证?

如果你的雇主需要证明, they must submit a request through the 全国学生信息交流中心.  If you need one for insurance or another school, you may request it through the 牧人门户,在“注册验证”下.  一定要包括 完整的地址 要寄到的地方.

9. 我需要改变我的日程安排——我该联系谁呢

所有的注册, 包括增减课程, 与你的学业成功教练(顾问)一起进行.  请联系途径咨询中心, 位于索尔斯伯里校园中心, 电话:(432)335-6433或发邮件至 advising@fjhmlt.com 联系你的教练.  注:课程是 从来没有 dropped or added by phone, so an email to or a visit with your Coach is necessary.

T在这里 is a $25 schedule change fee for course changes after the start of the semester.

10. 如果我不付账单会怎么样?

All fees due for registration must be paid in full at the time designated for each semester in the class schedule. Students are responsible to drop or withdraw from any course the student does not pay for or does not intend to attend. 

No longer attending class does not automatically constitute withdrawal from that class, nor does a student’s notification to an instructor that the student wishes to be dropped. Failure of a student to complete the drop/withdrawal process will result in a grade of “F.”

11. 我该怎么做? get my transcript from another college evaluated for transfer credit?

请按此索取申请表. Priority is given to students who have financial aid pending, need a course transferred in for TSI (Texas Success Initiative) requirements, or who are planning to complete a degree or certificate at 欧亚体育.  Students should have earned 6 SCH at 欧亚体育 before a full evaluation will be completed.

12. 我该怎么做? find out what will transfer from OC to another college or university?

If you are transferring to another college or university in the state of Texas, refer to www.tccns.org to find out how your OC credits compare with courses taken at other Texas schools. Use the matrix available at that site to pull up side-by-side comparisons of courses offered at each school. 如果你打算转学, you should speak with your Academic Success Coach (advisor) at 欧亚体育 as early as possible. 

13. 我如何更改我的姓名、地址或联系方式?

You must provide the authentic court document (marriage or divorce certificate) that shows your prior name, 一张新的社会保障卡, 驾照上要有你的新名字或改名字.

  • 我该怎么做? 更改我的地址? 点击这里.
  • 我如何更新我的 新的电话号码或电子邮件地址?  学生服务处的任何人都可以通过电话帮助你.  请拨打(432)335 -6400. 或者登录 牧人门户 并选择用户选项更改您的电话/电子邮件. 

14. 我如何改变我的居留身份?

访问居住信息和规则. 请按此填写表格.

Please complete the form and bring all supporting documents for the last 12 months (if you are changing from an out-of-state status) or 6 months (if you are changing from an out-of-district status) to the Records Office.  An application that is approved prior to the census date for the current term will affect the current term.  在人口普查日期之后,它将影响下一个连续的任期.

15. 如何替换成绩?

在OC学习的课程成绩将保留在您的成绩单上, 但如果你在牛津大学重复同样的课程, you can request the prior grade to be removed from your GPA calculation.  最近的成绩必须保留在你的成绩单上.  请请求GPA更新 点击这里.

16. 我如何确认毕业

登录到 学生的计划, click the Graduation tab and then click on the degree or certificate for which you are confirming.  完成所需的信息并单击Submit. 

The Graduation Advisor will email you within a few weeks about your specific status, 所以要仔细看你的学生邮件!  点击这里观看短片.  毕业信息更新 在这里.

17. 我如何获得补发证书或文凭? 我毕业于欧亚体育.

填妥所附表格.  这是15美元.每件更换费用00美元.  Please call the OC Business office at (432) 335-6419 to pay the fee and write the receipt number on the form.


18. How can I look up my Texas Certificate of High School Equivalecy (TxCHSE/GED)?

对于在德克萨斯州完成TxCHSE (GED)的个人, 您可以查看您的验证并打印出来 这个链接.  For other states, please look up your state education agency online to find the correct link.  Please bring the verification to the Records Office during regular business hours.